Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Half marathon training Week 5/21

I found this post still sitting as a draft, I must have forgotten to publish it. This is from the week commencing Monday 23 March. Lots has changed since then. This was the last run I did. Who know when I'll go out for a run again. I've resurrected my yoga practice since we've been in lockdown, and in fact we do lunchtime yoga all four of us together as a family which is frankly lovely. Running will be on the agenda again one day but my half-marathon goal might not be. Who can say?

Monday - Goal pace repeats
I switched Friday's goal pace repeats to today because I keep skipping them due to better offers. At least if I get them out of the way early in the week then it's done.

This was very bloody hard and I'm not entirely sure why. My watch was showing me terrible paces, over 9 min/km, which didn't seem right but I felt very puffed right from the start. I had to walk all but the gentlest hills. Then things seemed to improve and I found my pace, and it turned out that I'd managed negative splits - my last split was the fastest. Totally intentional.

I was supposed to do 6x 800m at goal pace but I only did five due to being totally wiped.

As I mentioned in my last post, NZ will be on full lockdown imminently, and I can't pretend I'm not looking forward to a bit of a break from training. Garmin continues to tell me that my training is unproductive which, although I try to ignore it, is frustrating and de-motivating.

When lockdown is over - whenever that may be - I'll be running for the fun of it for a while. I'm going to pause my training plan and remember why I started running in the first place and find those happy runs again.