I need to take a new photo of the shed as it is now all but complete. Tick!
As for the house, which I know is all you guys are really interested in (hey, me too!)...
But look! LOOK! Bricksss. Boy was this worth the wait. The weather has been typically awful, so the work has been a bit stop-start, but they're now about one third of the way around and I am loving the look. Ok, yes, they are a little bit shiny at the moment but the brickie assures us they will weather down to a lovely soft black.
The kitchen was delivered last week but can't be installed until the plasters and painters have been through. Now that the kitchen is inside we are officially locking the door. Another milestone!As we inch ever closer to the end, it's bringing up a lot of feelings for me. I still can't really believe that this is going to be my house. It's such a grown up's house. I have lived in some pretty awful houses in my time, and in some very unhappy and toxic situations.
When will I come to terms with the fact that this is my life? I feel like I've been pinching myself for ten years, waiting for it to all be whipped out from under me. It's not that I don't believe that I deserve this, I absolutely do, it's more that it seems unbelievable that this is meant for me. And not in a materialistic way. Just, can life be this good? Is it allowed, to be this happy? I have problems, of course I do, but it's that feeling of being unimaginably, unfairly lucky. Surely it can't last. I feel this need to be prepared for it to be taken away, so it won't be a surprise. "Of course," I'll say. "Of course it was too good to be true."
Perhaps it's time to let that go.