I can excitedly report that our shipping container arrives THIS WEEK. Very excited! I can't even remember anything we own but I'm thrilled to re-discover it all.
Not much to report from these parts, B has been working all the hours of all the days which has been tough on all of us. This weekend is the Queen's Birthday long weekend though so he's had yesterday and today off work.
It would be remiss of me not to catch you up on our weather. Misty mornings!
The frosts and the mists haven't dampened the enthusiasm of the dahlias though, one of which actually burst forth with this one random flower?!
I'm going to dig the dahlias out (that's if the cranky baby even lets me put her down for longer than 2.5 seconds) because they're choking the garden beds and are getting badly burned by the frost.
There's been more magnificent autumn colour.
There've been incredible golden sunsets.
And some stunning sunrises too!
Work around the place continues in a haphazard fashion. One of B's relatives dropped off a cycad for our rock garden. Luckily J was on hand with her trusty wheelbarrow to assist with the placement.
That little blue wheelbarrow used to be B's when he was J's age and I am LOVING the continuity. It has been getting a major workout, carting wood to and fro, plus miscellaneous dirt, grass, bits of gravel, with associated huffing and sighing.
Exhibit A:
Monkey see monkey do |
J starts kindy this week. We've visited a few times and she loves, no LOVES, the place. Last week I dropped her off there for a couple of hours and she didn't even cry as I left. In fact I don't think she even looked up.
She seems such a big girl all of a sudden, this kindy kid with her "wunchbox" and her little friends. As she'll tell you, she's "fwee" next birthday and there's no slowing things down.
You can just chop the Dahlias back to the ground for now if its a bit much work for you....Thats great on the kinder front as that makes it so easy for you. Lovely pics as usual. You have motivated me to start snapping away again too.
ReplyDeleteSorry I posted a reply that never got published! Thanks for the dahlia tip - much easier than trying to dig them all up right now.