One of my favourite things about living in Taranaki (and let's face it, there are MANY), is how it rains overnight and the day dawns clear. It happens all the time.
It's been hot and dry recently, as we have previously discussed, and last night we had one of those big refreshing downpours. This morning the place positively sparkled, all washed clean. I had both girls in the car strapped in when I turned around and saw these cobwebs strung with raindrops. Of course me being me I had to get out of the car and unlock the house so I could take some photos.
Totally worth it.
I swear the lawn has already grown since B mowed it yesterday. It grows at a phenomenal rate here. That is one thing that can become a little tiresome, while we're talking pros and cons. The grass is beautifully green because it never stops growing.
Unlike the grass, we're all in that end-of-the-year winding down mode.
B is now on holiday until early January. J's last day of kindy for the year is today. And I have a solid list of jobs to tick off while B is home to help with the toddler wrangling.
Ah, J and her books. She does this kind of thing often - finds herself a suitable spot, chooses a book and plops down to read. Last night when I went to tuck her in before I went to bed, I discovered her fast asleep with a book next to her. She must have got up after I'd said goodnight and had a quiet little read to herself before going to sleep. Bless her adorable little heart.
Look at the vegetable garden! I went on a weeding rampage during naptime the other day. So satisfying. As I said to B when I came inside literally dripping with sweat, if this is what I can do in an hour imagine what I could do with a whole day. Soon, my friends, soon.
And yes I did weed too vigorously and half-kill that zucchini plant in the foreground. Whoops. Luckily it's rallied itself and is making a comeback.
Obligatory Christmas baking is done and distributed. I even hung about at the front gate pretending to pull weeds so I could catch the rubbish truck man and give him the traditional six-pack and shortbread. B scoffed at me but the driver was very nice, so there. People like to be appreciated.
Here's my pensive girl again. Who is this child? She turns three in a couple of months and I'm certain she has not prepared me at all for the terrible twos that A will inflict on us.
A's walking has so far taken a backseat to her determination to master the English language. Although apparently she's now happy with he vocabulary because her laser-like focus has been turned to standing and walking. The progress she makes in a day is incredible. She's certainly strong enough, she's just got to coordinate those heavenly fat legs and she'll be away. One of our friends suggested "first steps by Christmas?" and I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Oh, look at my dinner the other night. Mmmmmm. Clearly I was pretty impressed with myself because I took not one but two photos of it so you could get both angles. It was needless to say delicious.
Well that about wraps it up around here for now. I'll be back again I'm sure before the end of the year to wrap things up and ponder the year that was.
Have a very wonderful secular end-of-year festival, or a Merry Christmas if that's your bag.