This is how we're spending our days at the moment.
A, who has detested wearing shoes since the first time I tried to shove a knitted bootie on her newborn foot, has finally made the connection between footwear and being able to walk around outside. She still wants a hand to hold, and I've surprised myself with my willingness to offer one.
For now, the most important thing in the world is that warm pudgy hand holding onto mine.
She's loving her new-found freedom, and every day we have to go on long meandering explorations.
Today we visited every inch of the sheep paddock: up to the road, around the ginkgo tree, checked out the pump shed and had a good look at the "wucky" water in the trough. Past the chook house and then back past the woodshed. So much to look at. Such little legs.
Yesterday we had a bonfire the site of which also required careful inspection today. "Yot", she told me solemnly as we stood next to the faintly smoking remains, "Yot".
It was one of those perfect autumn weekends, not too hot, and not too many jobs to get done.
Oh and the outcome of that silly dilemma I had the other week is that it was all a misunderstanding. And you should always go with your first instinct and just ask about it. Otherwise a slightly awkward situation becomes really awkward and everyone feels bad. How am I still learning these lessons?
Have a good week!
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