J has been doing kindy three days a week since late last year and is loving every moment. After easter we went through a time of tears at drop-off because she didn't want me to leave, and then further tears at pick-up time when she didn't want to go home. That seems to have passed now.

Having been wearing undies for several months she's gone back to nappies again most of the time. She'll often pull her nappy down to use the toilet anyway, so I am wondering whether I need to provide some motivation (read: m&m's) to get her back into undies full time.
She's still seriously obsessed with puzzles and I need to get her some more challenging ones as the ones for her age range are becoming too easy.
I feel a bit guilty because I'm wracking my brain here for more things to say about her, especially as I have heaps to talk about on the topic of A, but I guess it's just one of those things as they get older. There's less developmental stuff to worry about, hence less to talk about. She eats well, sleeps well, still naps for a couple of hours on her days at home (no nap on kindy days though), runs, jumps, helps, sings, collects "treasures" (read: gravel from the driveway), just all that joyful three year old stuff.
She talks clearly and emphatically now, lots of "actually..." and "unfortunately...", but still gets some words and phrases adorably wrong. Most notable recently was when she was referring to her heartbeat as her "love beat", and she calls Winnie the Pooh "Wendy the Pork".

A is a busy little bee these days. Having rapidly mastered walking, she goes everywhere now at a trot. I find myself grinning listening to the patter of her feet to and fro. So, so busy. She sleeps well at the moment too - I'm certain that it's due to being physically tired at last. She goes to bed about 6pm and usually stirs around 4-5am for a bottle. Then (hopefully!!) back to sleep to start the day around 6.30-7am.
Her picky eating is still unbelievably picky. She tries lots of stuff but there's not much she likes. She recently added Laughing Cow cheese to the list. Insert muppet arms here. I'm still giving her formula per the nurse's advice all those months ago, still offering everything I can think of, and still trying not to fret about it. I'm reminding myself of how I worried about J's eating a year or two ago, and now J eats almost anything I put in front of her. Neither one of them will touch vegetables though, no matter what I try. Like I really can't think of the last time they ate a vegetable that wasn't a hot chip... should I be admitting this?

A talks very well for her age - at least I think so. I only have J to compare her to though, who barely said any words until well after the age of two. A uses plenty of words, although her firm favourite is "no". I get a lot of "No, Mum! Mum - no. No." every day. It's cute and scary at the same time. There have already been some mild tantrums.
She goes through some unknowable emotional trauma at about 4.30pm each day and she cries and grizzles and wants to be held for the rest of the day. Some days she's like that all day, although it happens less the older she gets.

She knows what works on me when she really wants something (usually a cracker) and she gives me her best chubby cheeked smiles and damp little kisses. "Kees [please], Mum. Cacker. Kees". She tucks her cheek into her shoulder and I'm powerless.
Sometimes I do have to say no, though, and oh the heartbreak. She gets so upset when she's told off, too. But all in all, she's heavenly. Cute and sweet and silly and sassy. Obsessed with putting her babies to bed. They all get solemn cuddles and kisses and then tenderly tucked into the cradle. It's just too much.

What else?
Oh yeah. So I'm back fasting two days a week. The trick now is to keep it up instead of getting relaxed and skipping a few fast days until I'm not doing it at all. I'm long past the excuses of pregnancy, small babies, sleep deprivation, or moving internationally as reasons for not taking care of myself. I'm getting older. I want to make healthy behaviours my default habits. Got to start now!
So: no coca cola in the house. No more getting sucked into the 18-pack on sale and telling myself that I'll only have one a week. I'll still have the odd one with takeaway but the consumption is way down.
As for exercise, my friend and I are going to sign up for yoga. Before you think I'm deluding myself, it's a vinyasa flow. For the uninitiated, trust me, it's a serious workout. I can't wait! I've only done a couple of classes since I had kids and I used to go several times a week so I'm really excited.

You might remember I had pulled everything out of the vegetable garden a few weeks ago and B buried a whole lot of fish guts and skeletons to feed the soil. Apparently he didn't bury it deep enough because the chooks have made it their mission to dig it all up each day. It smells even more delightful than you might be thinking.

The good news is that through their efforts the chickens have tilled the soil to an amazing fluffy softness, perfect for planting into. I've put in our winter veg: onions, spring onions, shallots, brassicas, beetroot, spinach. Actually now I write this I remember I still need to plant some garlic.
Unfortunately the chooks' dedication to digging for fish guts isn't such good news for my new plantings. Enter: bird netting.

So far it seems to do the trick, and once the plants are big enough to withstand the chooks I'll take it away.
I did save my tomato plants like I talked about, and hung them on the back verandah like some weird pagan offering, and the tomatoes did indeed ripen that way. Sweet! I've just roasted the last of them per my previous method and they're probably a bit more tart than the others were, but I'm calling it a success.
I'll leave you with this photo of the chooks from the other day. The sun had come out for the first time in a while and they were out there sunning themselves in all kinds of contorted positions like a couple of teenagers on the beach. Love 'em!