I started writing this post yesterday and what a different post it was going to be then. What a lot can happen in 24 hours.
Let me explain...
Right now B is working all the hours of all the days because he's in the middle of a shutdown. That's where an entire plant or whatever gets turned off (hence "shutdown") so that they can do critical maintenance. They have to work day and night so that it's down for the least amount of time. The money is great. The family life is nonexistent. B leaves in the morning long before we all wake up and gets home after the girls are in bed.
It's hard on all of us, but especially the little girls. J's first question every morning is a hopeful "Where's Daddy?", and every day I have to break it to her that he's at work. Again.
We have been getting through it all with today in mind - it's ANZAC Day, which means it's a public holiday, which means B gets the day off work. J and I have been having lengthy conversations all this week about what she and Daddy are going to do on their one day together.
It was all going swimmingly until about 8.30pm last night* when I heard screaming from J's room and went in to find her covered in vomit. Which was bad enough but we also had people over for dinner. We cleaned her up, calmed her down, and put her back to bed hoping fervently that it was just one of those random spews. Except that an hour later: more screaming. More spew. The dinner guests cleared out pretty quickly, poor things.
J spent the rest of the night in our bed being very unwell. She crashed out asleep around 4am and slept until mid-morning, when I tucked her up on the couch with some towels and Finding Nemo on tv, looking very wan. Not at all the kind of blissful Daddy day we had planned.
And of course - worse than when they are actually sick, in my book - now we're waiting to see who goes down next. Will it be me? Or A, or B? B - who literally cannot take a day off work at this point in time which should be interesting if he (or I for that matter) gets sick. By my calculations if no one else spews by Friday we are in the clear.
So, what I was originally going to write about today was the lovely time I had recently reading back through all my posts on here since we moved. There's so much I had already forgotten about! Yet again, I'm so happy I've kept it up. In the spirit of which I was planning to write a big catch up on all kinds of topics, but it might have to wait until my mind isn't consumed with fear and dread. And washing.
Think well thoughts for us all!
Huge catch-up next post I promise...
*and incidentally, why does gastro always strike at 8.30pm? Why does it never start at 8.30am which would be infinitely more bearable and the worst would be over by bedtime??
PS sorry for the lack of photos in this post but I'm sure you can understand the omission
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