I figured out how to get some photos off my camera! There's still a large number I've already taken that I won't be able to access until our computer arrives but at least the ones I take from now on are accessible.
Let's start with a random selection from around our property...
Autumn colour seeping into the ginkgo |
It wouldn't be a blog post without a photo of the mountain |
Digger with a view - preparation for some yards which will mean we can get some stock on the place |
Finally allowed outside in the last few days and very pleased |
View to the house from down by the back fence |
Ol' curly top |
Ok, so clearly my nighttime photography needs some work. I took the below photo by balancing the camera on the roof of my car and using an exposure of about 4-5 seconds. I should have made notes but I think I also turned the ISO way up too. The result is pretty awful, but once my tripod and other lenses turn up, look out!
We've been having the most beautiful sunny and mild autumn weather, and yesterday morning we decided to take the girls and meet B's mum at Pukekura Park in town. If you've been paying attention you'll recall that it's one of my favourite places in New Plymouth.
It was a great way to spend the morning and watching J bouncing along, talking a mile a minute, hand-in-hand with Nan was pure joy to behold.
There's lots of work going on at home. B is finishing up a post and rail fence around the house and then next week the big project is getting some yards built. Once we have the yards we can get some stock in which is badly needed as the land is quite neglected and the pasture full of weeds.
I was driving down our road this morning after doing a load of washing at my mother-in-law's house (one of the downsides to having all our earthly goods stuck on a container ship), with J in the back seat pointing at "Cows! Mummy, cows!" and "Tractor! Bwoo tractor!". I felt very very happy.
Luckily, baby A was there too screaming her head off. Just to keep my feet on the ground.
I don't think I'd ever tire of looking at your mountain view! Great pics and I'm all ears on your night photography tips!!
ReplyDeletePrior to now, I'd only ever seen the mountain in summer but I love it even more in the cold! I'm sure it'll wear off eventually but I get such a thrill looking up to see it there covered in snow.
ReplyDeleteLet's bumble through this night photography business together haha! Once my tripod arrives I'm going to start experimenting and see what results I can get. If you have any breakthroughs let me know and vice versa :)