Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Snow on the mountain

As you would have seen this morning if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, it snowed on the mountain last night.  I was very excited to wake up and see it sitting there wearing a snow blanket.  We bundled the girls into the car very early and went for a drive to have a closer look.  Brisk!

Firstly, though, here are some shots of the autumnal weather and beautiful colour that we've had this past week.  It poured with rain for a day or two there but now the sun is back to shining.  The temperature is noticeably cooler, especially in the early morning and evening.

No mountain that day

Bit cold underfoot isn't it, pusscat?

Is talking about the weather all I do now?

Nope!  Because, in other news, on Sunday I went horseriding for the first time in, oh, 15 years.  I was hopeless.  Utterly hopeless.  Couldn't even rise to the trot.  To think I once considering competing in dressage.  I have forgotten it all.  But the thing is, I had THE BEST TIME EVER.  I didn't care that I was hopeless.  I was so happy to be amongst the ponies again.  All the participants were awarded something and I got "Most Ecstatic".  I think that pretty much sums it up.

My horse madness may have lain dormant for some time but, much to B's consternation, it is back.  I need a horse in my life, like, immediately.  Preferably a very quiet and patient beginner's pony.  And about 50 lessons to re-learn everything I've forgotten.

Apropos of nothing, check out these hydrangeas I picked from my very own garden.  Am short on vases, yes.

Here comes the autumn colour.  Guess how many photos I'm going to take? MANY

J off to indulge in some mischief no doubt.  Look at those busy little legs

Bored yet?

Too bad, because there's still more!

Ok that's it for the autumn colour I promise.  For now anyway.

Now here is the mountain this morning wearing his snowy blanket.  It was very fresh  out there in my jammies before sunrise taking these you know.  The things I do for this blog.

Once we'd got the girls dressed in about five layers plus hats, plus preferred soft toys and dummy for A and talked J out of wearing her sparkly sandals, we drove up towards Inglewood to take a closer look.  Our original intention was to drive up the mountain to the snow but it hadn't come down low enough for that just yet.

I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for day trips to the snow soon enough.

I mean, BRRRR

Briefly, other news is that there is a place for J to start two days of kindy in June at a great centre just down the road from us.  This is very exciting for all of us as the poor little thing is bored out of her mind without any company her own age.  She adored daycare in Perth so I'm hopeful that once she settles in she'll have an equally positive experience here.

A had been sleeping so poorly I didn't even want to talk about it, then she gave me a few decent sleeps earlier this week but last night it was back to the constant wake-ups.  Argh.  In fact, she's currently grizzling on the floor next to me so I'm probably going to have to wrap this up very shortly.

Got a pork shoulder slow roasting in the oven which smells amazing and has every fly in the vicinity blundering in the windows to see what's for dinner.  Fun fact: no fly screens in NZ.  On that note, I'm drafting an entire post of fun NZ facts for you.  Get excited.

Ok, grizzling is reaching critical level.  That's all for now!


  1. Sounds like you are loving life over there and your photos are stunning! PS I am terrible on a horse as well, kind of embarrassing for a country girl!

    1. Yep having a ball! My husband's family are all pretty horsey so I will be the family embarrassment haha!
