Friday, 19 May 2017

Wintry Weather

I started this post a couple of days ago when it was windy and rainy and seemed that winter was closing in around us.  Today, however, we've got some (patchy) sun again.  Still blowing a gale though: those biting southerlies straight from Antarctica.

Tomorrow concludes B's first week at work.  He leaves before the girls get up in the morning and arrives home about 15 minutes before they go to bed at night.  It's been hard on him, and especially on J who has been asking for him a lot.  A just carries on but then chortles uncontrollably when she sees him come in the door.

I haven't actually found it too difficult.  My days are so busy with the little ones that I simply don't get a chance to dwell the way I did when B worked ridiculously long swings away doing FIFO before A was born.  Nowadays the days whip by before I can get a handle on anything.  I am, however, really looking forward to Sunday.  He gets Sunday off then it's back to it on Monday.

The cows are doing their work beautifully eating up all the grass and churning the soil nicely.

Remember this photo I took a couple of weeks ago?

Here's what it looks like now:

Poor B, as if his hours aren't long enough, goes out every morning, in the pitch dark and/or rain, to move the cows to a new strip of grass.  They'll gradually work their way around the whole place, then I think we seed new grass and they can just graze without being moved daily.

A turns eight months old today.  I could pretend that I'm all misty and nostalgic about my last baby rocketing towards her first birthday, but I won't.  I'm very excited that she's growing up.  She is definitely a happier little beast than she was a few months (or even weeks) ago.  In fact she's quite a delight.  Still has her grumpy moments, but at least now it's for a reason - tired/hungry/etc.

What else...?

Well... I think that might be everything for now.  I thought I had more news.  I'll leave you with more wintry shots of the farm.

That reminds me, I kind of want to name the place.  Not something cutesy like Crabapple Acres or whatever.  Something cool.  I have no ideas.  Help me.

Oh and how about these two sharing an apple for afternoon tea?


  1. I think ten acres has a bit of an Anne of Green Gables vibe to it as a name for your farm!! How beautiful are the Camellias

    1. I love camellias. Other than the one in this post none of the flowers have opened yet! I'm getting impatient.
      I quite like Ten Acres as a name for the blog but for the property itself I want something a little more poetic. I'm stumped.

  2. Before you know it you will be out there in your gumboots moving the cows with the kids!

    1. Haha B doesn't trust me with the electic fences! And it's only a matter of time until J touches the fence. We've had a couple of close calls already.
