Tuesday 9 May 2017


I think my favourite thing about J's current level of speech is her pronunciation.  She'll repeat almost anything back to you, but gets them slightly and adorably wrong.

Barcaboo, barbapoo - barbeque
Dordy/Cwean - dirty/clean
Bwoo, Gween, Porple, Wid, Wawow - blue, green, purple, red, yellow
Noonles, Soss, Dooce, Bwid, Happle - noodles, sauce, juice, bread, apple
Teebee - tv
See-ah - see ya
Hoss, Shooks, Yog - horse, chooks, dog
Bubby siss-ah - baby sister
Tracksie pants - tracksuit pants

I told B, and I wholeheartedly mean it, I hope she never learns to talk properly.  The way she says pweeeeese when she wants something melts my flinty heart.

One word that she absolutely has mastered, however, is cows.  And guess what got delivered to our place today!

They arrived in true country fashion: walked up the road with a ute driving in front flashing its lights.

Only a couple of minor detours up the neighbours' driveways...

Only a few near misses with impatient motorists...

In you go, ladies.  Or, wait.  Are they fellas?  Oh I am HOPELESS at this country gig.  I think they're female.

I know one little two year old who is going to be THRILLED to see this lot.  Ever since we arrived, every time we drive down the road, it's "Cows! Cows!".  We're in prime dairy country so there's plenty to point out.  Now she's got her very own herd.

Mountain making a subtle cameo

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