So then I thought: who better to ask than you wise people! Thank you in anticipation of your assistance with, as I said, these very important and pressing questions.
If you're not a mother of young children you can probably click away now as there's not a lot here for you.
Here they are in no particular order, and, as you'll see, pretty random:
- What do you feed your kids for dinner? Do you all eat together or do you eat your dinner after they're in bed? If they eat with you how on earth do you get dinner cooked without them driving you insane/trashing the house/killing each other in the process?
- Do you shower in the morning? If so, how (see above)?? Do your kids not get into all kinds of mischief while you're in there? I know my two would take the opportunity for some serious UFC type fighting except that when they go at it there are literally no rules.
- Can you recommend a good brand of jeans? Skinny but not claustrophobic, preferably without designer distressing, with - and this is my number one issue - a decent waistband that doesn't require hoiking up eleventy billion times per day. Oh and <$100 would be great too. Ok thanks!
- Do you wear make up every day? I dunno. Just wondering.
- What do you do with all the stuff that clutters your house? I mean the day-to-day detritus that seems to get shuffled around and around. This drives me to distraction. I may not be the cleanest but I am tidy. I hate clutter. And yet my kitchen bench, and in fact any flat surface in my house, is always cluttered with junk. As I look at the bench right now for example we have the baby monitor, a bottle of gin (*ahem*), the tv remotes (since A cannot be trusted with them on the coffee table), medicines that B needs to take every morning, an essential oil diffuser, a tub of magnesium, a missing dog flyer, the plate of food scraps that gets emptied into the pig bucket once a day, and the girls' water bottles. That's on top of the actual kitchen bench stuff such as the coffee maker and fruit bowl, which is allowed to stay there. It's a mess. It irritates me every time I look at it. I'm a big believer in a place for everything and everything in its place but none of this stuff has a place. It always collects. How do you manage it? I have tried the junk drawer thing but some stuff has to stay in sight in order to remind you to deal with it.
- While we're talking about house stuff, do you have an interior design aesthetic in mind that you stick to, or do you just buy stuff you like? I'm always fascinated when I see people selling perfectly good things on those sell/swap/buy pages with the reasoning that they're "changing the colour scheme of the lounge room".
- How do you conserve storage on your phone? Do you just ruthlessly delete everything? We recently upgraded our phones and B got me one with less memory than my old phone by mistake. It took me a week to delete enough stuff to actually start using the new phone. Now I have to constantly keep an eye on things to make sure I don't fill it up again. And yes I do back it all up to the computer regularly but I never know when I might need to see that video of J from 2 years ago.
- If you have children under the age of 5, do you fill your week with activities or spend most of your time at home? How do you fill those long hours between 3-5pm - especially when it's raining??
- Do you shop all the time? How do you afford it? I'd say that we are pretty comfortable. We have investments and I think we're good with money, but I can never figure out how you have spare cash to spend on non-essentials (new clothes, cushions, that kind of thing) every single week. How do you do it? Am I crossing the line into things that are absolutely not my business?
- Do you use Instagram stories? How do you decide what to post as a story and what to just post the normal way? I don't use stories because I can't figure out why you'd want all your posts to disappear after 24 hours. It's the same reason I don't get snapchat. And in fact can you explain snapchat to me? Why can't I ever see anything on there? Am I just too old?
Oh my god now that I've started I can think of so many more but we'll leave it there for now. I know I can count on you guys to help out with all this.
Oh so many questions! Makeup, what is that? I don't do the instagram stories either, I like a record of my pics.
ReplyDeleteYeah I feel the same way - I try not to post anything that I would want to disappear