We finally had our follow-up appointment with the therapist for A's feet/ankle issue. Although she's now walking, stooping, climbing, and very nearly running, it appears that the problem hasn't resolved satisfactorily.
I think I knew deep down that this would be the case. She has no heel-toe action at all, and her arches are non-existent. The alignment of her ankles has improved but it's still nowhere near normal.
So. Splints. Cute little break-your-heart they're so tiny pink splints.
She has to wear them for part of every day for the next 3 months at least. She is so proud of her "special shoes", which for some reason makes me more emotional than the fact that she has to wear them.
I'm glad that we have access to a health system which means we get all this for free. I'm glad that the problem has been identified and will be monitored until it's resolved. I'm glad that she won't be relegated to a lifetime of pain. I'm glad that her problem is small potatoes in comparison to some - all the brightly coloured but complicated medical apparatus in the therapist's room reminded me how lucky we really are.
But of course I'm disappointed for the little mite. Why is nothing easy for her? Why does she have to go through this at all?
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
I look forward to the day - assuming that there will be one - when this is all a distant memory.
Anyway! Enough of that. Here's some superior pumpkin soup made with our very own pumpkins if you don't mind.
The autumn colour this year has been less than superior thanks to all the storms and gale force winds which blew the leaves off the trees long before they could change colour. I'm taking what I can get.
I also finally got myself a daphne in a pot next to the front door in anticipation of heavenly scents wafting as we come and go.
My dad visited all last week which was great fun especially for the smalls, but meant that I did not pick up my camera once.
B is still working all the hours of all the days, although he did get last weekend off - two days in a row!! - which was novel and meant that the girls followed him around like little lemmings the whole time.
That's about it for this week I think... Happier tunes next time I'm sure!
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