Whoops, look at that, nearly three weeks since my last post. I'm going to blame sick kids (yes, again/still/this is just who we are now) and having to prepare tax returns in two countries. That's fun. Oh, wait. No it isn't.
Moving along! We've had a cold snap with frosts most mornings. The fire has been going non-stop.
That Fair Isle knitting project I talked about last month is done and could I be more thrilled with it? No I could not! Ravelled here. Pattern here.
Minor issue is that it's miles too big for J because no I didn't do a gauge swatch and no I will never learn.
I was a bit nervous getting started with the colour work but once I got the hang of it I really enjoyed the process and watching the pattern appear. Plus the inside looks pretty cool too!
I haven't taken any photos of them recently but the twin lambs are growing at a great rate and as boisterous and funny as lambs can be. Did I tell you the mother died? I went out one morning and she was just lying there. The poor little lambs were huddled up next to her cold body, no idea what to do. We caught them up, got some milk down their throats and now they're as tame as anything.
The best part is that they bring out the lamb in our ram, who's not much older than they are. He's a lot bigger than them and when he starts dashing around leaping off things with them at dusk they run off terrified. I'm spending a lot of time at the windows ignoring my own children.
What else?
J's re-toilet training has gone - dare I say this - very smoothly. We've now completed the sticker chart I created for it and I think we're sorted on that front. I hope. I will never be complacent about these issues again.
The den of germs continues, unfortunately. I know it's the season for it but SERIOUSLY. It has not stopped. This week I took A, who was reaching monomental levels of clinginess even for her, to the doctor where she was diagnosed with strep throat/scarlet fever. At least it can be treated with antibiotics unlike the viruses they seem to catch over and over again.
I really must get some vegetables into them.
Speaking of which, A is off to the dietician. Her diet is still ridiculously narrow and although she's still on formula to ensure she's getting all the nutrients, I just can't see how she will ever expand her palate. It's been the same for months now. Crackers, Marmite toast, and yoghurt. If the dietician says that's fine, I'm ok with it. But at this point I just want a professional's opinion and guidance.
With all the illness, A's sleep has gone completely off-track again. She's sleeping in our bed for half the night and if I so much as think about trying to return her to her room, she screams until she vomits. It's good fun for the whole family. Oh, wait. No it isn't.
I have a post percolating on the subject, especially as it's almost a year since I last wrote about it at length. I know, boring!! But I want a record for myself.
Generally life is actually pretty good, illness and dying stock aside. B is working five minutes down the road which means he's home every night and has weekends off. I filled out forms for J's school enrolment which brought up a lot of unexpected emotions for me. I thought about doing plastic-free July until I unwrapped the fifth muesli bar of the day and realised that I have a long way to go.
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