Friday, 7 July 2017

Garden progress!

I had to break my loose "no mid-week blogging" (is Friday really mid-week...?) rule to let you guys know that I have finally weeded not one but TWO garden beds around the house!  And discovered all kinds of plants gasping for air amongst the weeds.

I haven't shared many photos of these areas because frankly I've been embarrassed at the state of them, and they're hardly picturesque: rampant weeds and grasses choking everything else.

But - behold!

Of course, as usual I forgot to take any before photos.  Because that is how I do.  A renovation blogger I am not.  But I'm sure you can imagine the dense thickets of weeds.

It's obvious that these were once well tended and well loved garden beds, with quite a variety of little cottage plants and various bulbs.  Not to mention the ubiquitous hydrangeas.  It's all been sadly neglected for quite some time but never fear!  Prue is here, with my sporadic enthusiasm, to save the day!

Not very prepossessing right now but just wait until these plants pick themselves up and fill in the empty spaces.

Tiny little jonquil that was well-hidden before I started

I'm not sure what these little pink flowers are called.  We had some at my childhood home and Mum used to call them kiss-me-quicks I think.  And henceforth that is what I'll be called them until I know different.

Lots of little bulby things poking themselves sunward.

Much better.  I probably could have moved that washing basket before taking this.  But I didn't.

Incidentally, check out the weather.  By the time I was finished I was down to a t-shirt (and jeans! Don't worry.  We live too close to a main road for anything less).

The other garden bed I weeded.  Poor plants.  I found lots of little violets and even a maidenhair fern in the corner!

In unrelated garden news, isn't it nice that one member of the family is spoiled for choice when donning her gumboots.

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