Saturday, 19 August 2017

Flowers, a new car, and a sort of bonfire

Something I have discovered recently, which lots of you probably already know, is that camellias do not last as a cut flower.  But daffodils do!

I'm still going strong with my bullet journal.  I spent a blissful half-hour last night setting up next week's spread.  We're very happy, thank you.

My big news of this week is that I finally - finally - got a new car!  Since we arrived in NZ in April, I've been driving an old (but reliable... SNORE) RAV4.  Possibly the ugliest car that ever existed.  We bought it cheaply, sight unseen, before we even got here.  However, any softy sentiment about it being our first car in NZ was pretty much totally overridden by the non-functioning heater, the lack of central locking and other missing luxuries.

I ended up driving the RAV4 for a few months longer than we'd planned, which made it extra sweet when I got to glide out of the car yard the other day in my shiny new (well, new to me) Camry.  

I know, I know, Mom Car alert!  But, because I'm a total car dag, I've actually wanted to drive a Camry since about 2006, when my boyfriend at the time was supposed to buy me one at auction but totally lost his head and came home with a hotted up Ford something-or-other instead.  But that is a story for another time.

We've had some more seriously wet weather.  Everyone is saying how this year has been ridiculously wet.  Double the usual amount of rain in July.  Apparently only three rain-free days in August so far.  I'd believe that.  

Despite all that, last night we decided to try and have a burn off.  It was Friday night.  I mean why not.  J even got to stay up late to watch, although with everything so sodden, all the fuel in the world could not get that thing roaring.  See underwhelming photos below.

What else...?

The long exposure makes this look waaay more impressive than it really was.

Being back on 5:2 has reaped amazing benefits for me, and my weight loss app tells me I'm now the lightest I've been since before I got married.  This is in spite of Tim Tams, wine, pasta, cheese, coca cola, and fast food all being on the menu.  

Boastful?  Yes, yes, I am.  But hey - intermittent fasting.  Look into it.

Oh - I promised you guys a toilet training update a while ago.  So, I did give it a try.  And J is really and truly not ready.  We'll wait.  Now if I could just get her to stop taking her nappy off all the time...

A is 11 months old... today!  Which means she is ONE in a month.  How?  How.  

She's still not crawling, but has a variety of wriggling, rolling and manoeuvring to get herself where she wants to go.  She claps, waves, jabbers constantly, still wakes at least once in the night, has one or two naps per day (depending how soon after 5am we start our day), and LOVES FOOD.  She has six teeth, eight dimples where her knuckles should be, and some wild hair.  

She adores her big sister, her dummy, and putting things in and out of containers.  She does not like socks, homemade food (EYEROLL), or waiting for anything, but especially food (see above).  Her favourite song is "open shut them".  She's going through intense separation anxiety right now which means she cries desperately if I so much as leave the room.

This time one year ago I was so over being pregnant, and also slightly terrified of what life with two kids would bring.  As it happens, most of those fears have been realised, and yet it's been a million times easier than I thought it would be.  And yet also harder.

Clearly I have some unresolved thoughts on this topic.

Since I love an inconclusive ending, I'll leave it there.

PS Oh - except to say if you're looking for something to read, I was gripped by Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica.  Sadly the e-book version is full of spelling and grammatical errors but the story itself I found so absorbing I could forgive the shoddy nonexistent editing.  Read it.  You won't regret it.

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