Friday, 11 August 2017

The bullet journal

Further to my last post...

The bullet journal.  People, I'm a convert.  Let me explain.

I am an organiser.  I'm a list-maker.

I have post it notes stuck to my computer monitor, lists of things to buy, books to read, plants to plant, stuck to the fridge, more lists saved in my phone, a wall calendar to manage our day-to-day appointments, and my diary for recording family life.

I need to write stuff down, especially to get tasks done.  I will write and rewrite my lists.  Tapping everything into my phone doesn't work for me - even when I worked in an office and managed numerous electronic calendars for other people, I still preferred my own "day to a page" desk diary.  The problem with the diary is that I would jot down important information on a certain day, and weeks or months later I would remember that I had written it down, but it would be almost impossible to find.

Bullet journaling (invented by Ryder Carroll, and, shockingly, shared with the world for free) makes sense of the chaos.  And I can indulge my artistic side as much or as little as I want.

The system itself is very simple.  I won't bore you with an explanation because you can find the original and best explanation here.  The most important thing (to me) is that you can write any old thing - any task or reminder or inspirational quote or whatever - that comes into your head, at the moment you think of it, and later on you will be able to find it.

This is exactly what I've been looking for.  There are so many things I'm keeping track of at any time and finally here is a way to keep track of all of them, together, in an organised way.  Oh and you can make it pretty.  AND you can use beautiful stationery.

I must admit that googling "bullet journal" brings up a deluge of the most intimidatingly artistic journals with beautiful lettering and delicate artwork.

That stuff is really nice, but it's not what your BuJo (oh yeah!) is about, and not being artistic shouldn't put you off starting a bullet journal.

It's not for everyone, of course, but for someone like me it's the perfect solution that I've been looking for.

Anyway!  Make up your own mind.  Moving on.  

Look at this handsome boy.  One of the few people (yes my cat is people thank you) who gets his face on the blog.

I know we're not even halfway through August, but I'm starting to notice undeniable signs of spring being around the corner.  We've already discussed the daffodils at length.  And the light these days is... different.  The sun is definitely setting later.  My kids go to bed super early (fist pump) and it's barely even dark now when I close their curtains.

But on top of that, the other day I was strolling the driveway with my little girls when what should I see underfoot?

I glanced up and, yep!  Blossom!  Blossom on the trees!  And in fact, now when I drive down our road I realise that there are soft little smudges of pink and white on the bare trees.  Oh boy.  I loved autumn here.  Can you imagine me in spring?

Our resident tuis also appreciate the blossom.  I love hearing their distinctive calls through the trees.  They went a bit quiet over winter and I'd almost forgotten they were here.

After the surprise of a whole tree in flower without me noticing, I took my camera for a closer look through the orchard and it's true!  Little buds forming everywhere you look.

The jonquils by the house continue to do their thing.

Looks like the peach tree outside the kitchen window is gearing up for something.

Speaking of the peach tree, check out my amateurish bird feeder efforts.  The pinecone that J and I made into a bird feeder at play centre one week was, frankly, a big fat failure (although they did pick it clean eventually).  The big success has been the bird feeder we bought at a garden centre recently.  The waxeyes (which I call silvereyes) have been having quite the bonanza, and J loves watching them twitter and spin.  You could just about set your watch by the times they arrive and leave: always the same every day.

The cat also watches with interest, although his facial expression is a little more calculating than J's.

It's been seriously wet this past week.  To the point where yesterday the septic flooded.  And that's all I'm going to say about that.  Luckily everything is back to normal today.  Thank goodness.

And lastly, the cows are gone.  Sad face.  They did their work eating lots of grass, brought immeasurable joy to the little girls (and, ok, to me), caused plenty of headaches and very early starts for B, and now they're off to... actually I don't know.  Greener pastures?  I literally have no idea.

Already I miss seeing their hopeful faces standing at the fence when I pull in the gate.

Ah, well.

What's new with you this week?  Any signs of spring at your joint?

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