Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The coldest night of the year

So, I saw on the news that the night of this frost was the coldest night this year so far!  I'd believe that.  It actually hurt being outside to take these photos.  Which, considering my pansy constitution, probably doesn't mean a lot.  But it really was very cold.

I always feel really sorry for the cows in this weather.  I also feel sorry for them when it rains, or when it's really windy.  I mean, sheep have nice thick wool to keep them warm, and horses get blankets, but the poor cows just have to deal.  When the paddock gets really muddy and they get mud caked between their... toes? hoofs?... I also feel bad for them because it looks really uncomfortable and I want to pick it out for them.  I mean, you clean horse's feet!  Why do cows get the rough end of the stick?

Poor cows.  In summer I will certainly worry about them if it gets too warm or sunny.  I can't say I have ever before given the comfort of livestock much thought but now we have our own it plays on my mind constantly.

I made B go down to their paddock and made sure the ice on their trough was cracked so they could have a drink.

He cannot believe that we now have fourteen extra children to take care of.  Here he thought we were just getting some stock in to strip the pasture and now he has me nagging him about their welfare.  He lives in fear of my sneaking them into the house, but that's unlikely to happen.  Unless I can toilet train them.

Speaking of toilet training, it appears that we're at that point with J.  In deepest cold winter.  Goody.  Someone struck the fear of god into me that if you put it off when the child is clearly ready that then it becomes a huge issue and they will take forever to get the hang of it.  I don't know if that's true but I know I just have to put knickers on the child and get on with it.  But - and I never thought I would ever say this - nappies are so easy.  And I am inherently very lazy.

So I'm writing it here to hold myself accountable.  We will make a serious toilet training attempt here this week.  The poor little thing is so ready.  She is giving me every hint in the book.  I must take the plunge.

Any and all tips and advice gratefully received!

A has been teething like a demon but at last count she now has four teeth through with another three imminent, so at least all the drama hasn't been in vain.  The teeth appear to be coming through in random order so she has the bottom middle two, plus two on the top right.  Next appears to be far right on the bottom followed closely by top left.  She looks like quite the hillbilly so obviously I have to photoshop a straw hat and a corn cob pipe onto all photos of her at the moment.

She's still not crawling, but it is so agonisingly close!  I think I've been saying that every week for months.  She's 10 months now which is the same age J was when she started crawling.  Not that I'm comparing.  The way A's going I wouldn't be surprised if she skips crawling.  She's started trying to pull herself up so I wonder if she will just try and walk?  She's quite, shall we say, hefty so getting herself off the ground in any manner is no small feat.

My favourite bit of news today is that as you read this (or thereabouts) I'm having my first hair appointment in, what, it must be about a year.  I got the confirmation text yesterday and it took all my willpower not to reply with YA HUH when all they want is a calm "yes".  One of my friends in Perth who is a hairdresser (go see her, she's amazing, you will not regret it) gave me an amazing haircut not long before A was born, and - like a great haircut should - it's carried me through until now.

So it's a long overdue tidy up AND I've even booked in to get some foils.  An insignificant decision on the face of it but for me it also signifies that I'm starting to feel that I'm coming out of the baby woods somewhat, where I can entertain the idea of something more than the most basic self care and grooming.  I'm also getting my wild eyebrows attended to on the weekend which is another milestone for me on the way out of dazed baby land.  It's nice to be able to get back to that feeling of being a whole person aside from being a mother.  I was just hitting that stage after the birth of J when I fell pregnant with A and started the whole cycle again.

I've got another whole post rattling around in my head on that topic and if I can get my thoughts into coherent sentences you'll read it here first.

Ok, that's us caught up.  I may or may not report back on the success of the toilet training.  Think dry thoughts!

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